If you are suffering from huge moles of warts, life can be a hurting affair on a day to day basis. Usually, they are just excessive skin growths which are caused by a viral infection but sometimes these moles and even warts could be malignant tumours which will need immediate treatment. Many people worry if they should have their mole or wart checked by a doctor for cancer. But the truth is only warts or moles that look somewhat different from usual or keep changing their colour, shape and size need to give you a cause of real worry and need you to visit your dermatologist.

To treat regular moles and warts, a more affordable and less embarrassing method is to go in for home remedies and natural medicines to treat these skin lesions. They are very common, especially moles and skin tags and the only real problem they pose is that the patient looks and feels unattractive that may lead to depression and loss of self confidence.

Nonetheless, it is important to first understand why these moles, warts and skin tags appear on the skin if you really wish to get rid of them.

Warts are caused by Human Papillomavirus or HPV. These can be of different types and each type affects a different body part. Some common varieties are Common Warts, Flat Warts, Planter Warts, and Genital warts. While each is different, it is genital warts that are most distressing and contagious. Most patients avoid seeing a doctor because they feel embarrassed by them. Finding some effective home remedies on the Internet is a painless way for wart removal and this may save them some money as well.

On the other hand, moles can be equally upsetting if they become huge and seem like spot on your face that entirely destroys the beauty of your face. Moles are more common than warts as there is no individual on this planet without these distinguishing marks. But for some, these may pose a big problem. Again, just like warts, moles are also of a different variety and it’s vital to know the distinction in each type. This further helps you to know if there is anything doubtful about the mole you are worried about and what type of treatments are best for them.

Junctional Melanocytic Naevi is brown in colour, flat in shape, and is very common.

Compound Melanocytic Naevi is varied in colour, are often hairy, and a little raised in size.

Dermal Melanocytic Naevi is hairy, and has raised bumps that are exactly the colour of your skin

A visit to the dermatologist will give you a better understanding of the causes and cures of each type. Yet, one must keep a check on their body parts in all the areas which are exposed to the sun as the moles which occur in these body parts could be dangerous.

New large moles after the age of 20 years should be taken seriously especially if they change their shape, colour, and size. It is good stay well informed about the risks attached to the moles if you have a lot of moles, warts or skin tags on your body.

This article shares some ayurvedic tips to get rid of moles as well as warts. These are;

·         Applying the natural oil called Kaseesadi Taila on the wart and then covering with a bandage

·         Applying castor oil to the wart or mole and surrounding areas and covering it with bandage

·         Applying Aloe Vera on the affected area and the wart would disappear in only a few days

·         Rubbing dandelion roots on the mole or wart at least three times a day

·         Cutting fresh pineapple to slices and rubbing on the wart or mole repeatedly during the day

·         Mix a handful of flaxseeds, flaxseed oil and honey and apply on the moles to lighten them.

·         Make some fresh coriander paste and apply on moles

·         Clove oil is very effective in removing warts and moles

·         Try rubbing a piece of potato on the wart or mole and see the changes

·         Rubbing onion pieces on warts daily also helps in getting rid of the warts and moles.

Natural methods as described above offer a large variety of benefits. These are much cheaper than a surgical treatment and they also ensure that you will remove all warts, moles as well as skin tags without leaving any scars. The biggest cause of anxiety for most people looking for a cure for their moles and skin tags is the scars. But if you choose a tropical treatment yourself without getting a proper prescription from a dermatologist, you will have to deal with ugly scars. On the other hand, with more natural, home remedies, there will be no side effects and you will also not scar your skin.

Whether you choose medications, tropical creams, surgeries or natural remedies, it’s essential to make a list of all the methods in a logical way and then evaluate the pros and cons of each method. You may then create a checklist and begin with the economical home remedies and give them sufficient time to work on your skin.